Oval Keromate-RN Positive Displacement Flowmeter
Positive Displacement
A small high performance positive displacement flow meter for managing the remainder of fuel oil tank, replenish period, and precisely measuring the consumption of fuel oil that is essential for billing purposes.
Type - LSN39P or LSN41L
Connection - Flared joint for 8-mm tube
Flow Range - LSN39P - 1 (0.1) to 10L/h* | LSN41L - 3 (0.3) to 30L/h*
Operating Temp. Range - -10 to +50 degrees celcius
Max Operating Pressure - LSN39P - 0.29MPa | LSN41L - 0.098MPa
Accuracy - Within +/-1% of reading
Power Supply - Battery-powered
Body Material - Aluminum
Output - 5-bit message, 8-bit message, unfactored drain pulse
Configuration - Non-explosionproof, IPX4 or equivalent
Applicable Fluids - LSN39P - Kerosene oil, light oil | LSN41L - Kerosene oil, light oil, heavy oil (less than 100mPa's
* Value in parenthesis is sensitivity flow (not subject to accuracy warranty)